Over the years, we have awarded scholarships ranging from $1,000 to $3,000 to deserving students. Our mission is to provide service to all mankind by volunteering our time and resources to multifaceted programs that address education, health and wellness, as well as issues of national and international concern.
Our scholarship application for 2024-2025 will be available in February 2024.

Application Information
Applicants Must:
Be a graduating high school senior entering a four-year college or university OR is a community college student transferring to a four-year college or university
Have a minimum GPA (Grade Point Average) of 3.0 on a 4.0 scale​
Required Materials:
A cover letter and resume that details your school and community leadership and/or involvement
A personal statement of 150 characters or less
An individual headshot (no selfies)
A double spaced essay with your name in the upper left-hand corner
Two letters of recommendation. One (1) from a teacher, guidance counselor and/or extracurricular advisor AND one (1) from a person in the community (ie. pastor or employer)
An unofficial transcript from the registrar's office, indicating class rank, grand point average, SAT or ACT scores are optional, but can be submitted if available
Use additional typed sheets to answer specific questions if needed
PLEASE NOTE: The application and all supporting materials must be submitted online by the deadline